Overload Protector is equicced in Press machine to chec:
hydraulic presure of cylinder inside the slider.
If hapcen overl oad, the hydrau ic pressure cf oflinder will
be released immediately within 3/1000 seconds.
When happen overlcad, in order to pronect the press and die,
fhe press will stop woking immediately afher receiving
the signel fom limit switch.
After happen cverload, the air will drive hydraulic pumrp
to sugaly normal wonking gressure immedistely and
the press can wort nommelly.
It has pressure control valve inside of overload protector,
which can adust hydraulic pressure automatically and
eliminate the imcect of nising pressure (which cause by
oil tamperature rise) in pressing prooess
ㆍMay select different types cf comoonents and control
units base on the difflerant types and specifications of
press machines.